Month: April 2014

Welcome to the new blog!


Hi folks,

It’s Pete Faint here, from This is a new blog for a new project – the celebrations surrounding the 50th anniversary of the death of Jack Hylton and the gala concert which is currently in the planning stages.

I’m hoping this is going to be a spectacular celebration of the life and music of one of Britain’s most important figures within the entertainment industry. As well as the concert, to be staged exactly 50 years to the day since Hylton’s death, we’re hoping to have a brand new book available and we’re currently courting TV and radio production companies to interest them too.

The purpose of this blog is not only to log this journey, but also to publicise the event(s) and encourage collaboration where possible.

If you’re interested in this, don’t hesitate to contact me

In the meantime, I hope there’ll be plenty of content and interesting things for you to see here.